Chattanooga TN Sedation Dentists
It you are one of the millions of Americans who dread the thought of going to the dentist, consider making an appointment with a Chattanooga TN sedation dentist who offers sleep and sedation dentistry. Dr. David Kurtzman, DDS, is one of the few dentists in the southeast who specializes in sleep and sedation dentistry.
Dr. Kurtzman offers intravenous sedation and general anesthesia to serve the needs of a wide variety of dental patients who are not comfortable with dental care in a traditional setting, or have or have physical, medical, or other conditions that make traditional dental care difficult or impossible. These patients are often underserved and as a result, their dental health and general health suffers.
Hospital Sleep Dentistry
Dr. Kurtzman is an expert in hospital sleep dentistry and offers different levels of sedation to meet the needs of each individual patient. Concious intravenous sedation is a moderate level of sedation. The patient is put into a more relaxed state than with nitrous oxide or oral sedation and often sleeps through the procedure. As the name implies, the patient is conscious and can be awoken at any time during the procedure. Patients usually don’t remember the procedure afterwards.
When deeper sedation is needed, general anesthesia is administered by a qualified anesthesiologist. In addition to the anesthesiologist, Dr. Kurtzman is assisted by trained surgical nurses. The patient is unconscious throughout the procedure and does not feel any pain. Dental procedures using full, unconscious sedation are performed in a hospital operating room that has been specially equipped for dentistry.
Hospital Dental Care
Hospital dental care is a comfortable, safe, stress free alternative to traditional dentistry for Tennessee dental patients. At every step of the way, Dr. Kurtzman and his staff are committed to minimizing discomfort and eliminating stress. It is perfect for people who suffer from moderate to severe dental anxiety, those who have an uncontrollable gag reflex, and those who are allergic to novocaine or can’t get numb with novacain.
In addition, patients who have physical or developmental disabilities or whose medical condition precludes traditional treatment can now receive excellent dental care. If you, or someone in your care, are a special needs dental patient, call to schedule a consultation with Dr. Kurtzman and find out how comfortable dentistry can be.